A video game is an electronic game that may be played on a computer, gaming console, or smartphone. Video games are divided into two categories: computer games and console games, depending on the platform.

However, the introduction of social networks, cellphones, and tablets in recent years has given rise to new categories such as mobile and social games.

Mobile Gaming:

A mobile game is a video game designed to be played on a mobile phone.  Historically, the word has referred to any game that can be played on a mobile phone, tablet, or PDA, as well as handheld gaming consoles, portable media players, or graphing calculators, both with and without network connectivity.

The worldwide gaming market is expected to be worth $152 billion by the end of 2019. Such rapid expansion has come to a frenzy of investments and acquisitions, with everyone vying for a piece of the action. The number of smartphone users worldwide continues to rise, surpassing 3.5 billion by 2020.

All of those individuals have a universe of games in their pockets, which they can play nearly anywhere, at any time. We’re no longer talking about basic games like Snake, no matter how good they were.

Most mobile games are smaller and less graphically intensive than their PC or console counterparts, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be just as entertaining.

There is also a large selection of games that are well-suited to mobile devices. Candy Crush-style games, for example, are extremely popular and perform admirably on mobile devices.

Mobile games are typically downloaded from an app store or a mobile operator’s portal, but they are sometimes preloaded in handheld devices by the OEM or the mobile operator when purchased, via infrared connection, Bluetooth, or memory card, or sideloaded onto the handset with a cable, by the OEM or the mobile operator.

Types of Mobile Gaming Online:

Fast central processing units (CPUs), specialized graphics processing units (GPUs), random access memory (RAM), and high-resolution display displays are typically required for advanced mobile games.

To create games with 2D or 3D graphics, most developers utilize OpenGL ES, a royalty-free, cross-platform application programming device. Following are the types of Mobile Gaming Online:

1.  Location-based Gaming:

Location-based games or location-based mobile games that are played on a mobile device employing localization technology such as GPS.

Not only are these games played on mobile devices, but they also include the player’s location into the game idea. In other words, although it doesn’t matter where the player is in a conventional mobile game (you may play them anywhere, at any time), in a location-based mobile game, the user’s coordinates and mobility are crucial.

2.  Augmented Reality Gaming:

The latest mobile gaming trend is augmented reality games. These applications create the illusion of augmented reality by combining a real-world environment with sophisticated computer visuals. Wherever a mobile device has a reverse-facing camera, augmented reality games are prevalent.

The player directs the device’s camera towards a certain area while playing the game. The user can see the area recorded by the camera, as well as computer-generated images above it, on the device’s screen. As a result, the player can engage in this manner.

3.  Multiplayer Gaming:

Many mobile games allow several people to play simultaneously, either via a network or locally through Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or other comparable technology.

Live synchronous tournaments and turn-based asynchronous tournaments are two types of multiplayer games that may be played on mobile phones. Random participants from all around the globe are paired up to compete in live tournaments.

This is accomplished through the use of several social media platforms such as Game Center, Google+, and Facebook.

Benefits of Mobile Gaming:

  • Portable \Accessible
  • Games for a low price
  • A wide variety of game types

PC Gaming:

Gaming PCs are personal computers that are specifically intended to play video games. Gaming computers are distinguished from regular computers by their use of high-performance video cards and high-core-count central processor units.

Gaming has been increasingly popular in recent years, and many individuals have spent money on a sophisticated gaming system. PC gaming allows for a lot of customization, which is one of the reasons for its appeal. You may design a PC to suit a variety of budgets and requirements.

A PC may also be upgraded, allowing you to stay up with the newest technology or even start small and expand over time. Gamers may customize their experience to their liking.

You may either start with a ready-to-use system or go into the realm of customizing, tweaking, and overclocking.

Aside from the excellent gaming capabilities, it’s important to realize that a PC can be used for a variety of purposes and isn’t simply a gaming machine.

Your computer may be utilized for both business and other purposes. When compared to consoles, the disadvantage is that PC players will require more technical knowledge and experience to create a platform that surpasses a console with a similar budget.

One last benefit for PC gamers is that games are often less expensive. Some games, though, are console-only, and you won’t be able to play them on a PC.

Benefits of PC Gaming:

  • The best performance available
  • Games are less expensive than console games.
  • Upgradeable and customizable
  • Multiple applications (word processing, video editing, and so forth.

Console Gaming:

Since their beginnings, video game systems have evolved significantly. Gone are the days of simple, single-minded gaming.

Today’s gaming consoles span the spectrum, from simple consoles that transport you back in time to ultra-portable rigs for on-the-go gaming to incredibly powerful devices for high-resolution HDR and virtual reality gaming.

Back in 1972, the Magnavox Odyssey was the first system to allow us to play games at home using a television set.

Since then, console gaming has grown into a burgeoning industry, with thousands of titles released each year. Sony’s PS2 has the largest video game catalog, with over 3800 games. That’s a lot of games you can get out of one small box.

The simplicity of use and user-friendly interface are the major attractions of console gaming. When you purchase a games console, you are purchasing a gadget that was intended particularly for at-home gaming.

In essence, you can unbox it, plug it in, adjust a few settings, and begin playing your game. The console is considerably more inexpensive and accessible, but the performance and visuals are generally worse, and console games are also more expensive.

Thanks to the availability of movie and music streaming applications, many contemporary consoles may even act as entire entertainment systems.

Consoles aren’t as powerful as high-end gaming PCs, but they’re less expensive to buy. Unfortunately, new games are not as much discounted as they are in PC markets.

When it comes to game titles, the exclusives are a plus. Each console maker obtains several exclusive titles that can only be played on their system.

Benefits of Console Gaming:

  • Very easy to get access.
  • It’s easy to use
  • Starting off is quite inexpensive.
  • It just needs a smattering of technical knowledge.
  • Games only available on consoles