Participating in sports and games is important for every person and things become imperative and crucial when it comes to growing children. Studying all the time can put kids under mental pressure and stress that is why sports and games are the best ways to cope with mental stress and helps make them physically and mentally healthy.

Outdoor sports are central in building healthy bones and muscles, improving sleep patterns increase fitness, and lowering the risk of getting obese at a young age but these all are physical benefits and children need to improve their mental capacity too in order to perform well.

In this scenario, indoor games like a video games and some table/board game do an important play. In this era of modern technology, video games are more attractive and interesting than outdoor games as they challenge one’s mind and boost mental skills. 

Games like these increase the hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills of children. There are many researchers that claim that video games are hazardous for children’s mental health but a recent study in Harvard revealed that while having potential dangers, these games offer tons of benefits to children and parents.

Now video games are seen as a powerful tool to aid children in developing certain mental and social skills. If children find it boring to learn in classroom settings then parents can choose educational leisure time games with their children and can supplement some boring classroom lessons into interactive learning sessions.

These games help children in quick decision making, use of new tactics and strategies, anticipate possible consequences. Online games help in the brain development of children and spark problem-solving and planning skills in them.

The different features of games give ways for creative self-expression and advanced techniques to expose their interests and inner personalities. Video games related to the old civilization, history, culture, and that requiring geographical background understanding encourages children to do research and learn about these topics in order to excel in these games.

Due to these games, children can pick up new languages and content that can serve for their future learning of creative, deep, and complex technical skills while having fun. Mobile video games set a common ground for kids to make new friends and have structured and more interactive time with their peers and represent a podium where kids can express their competitive urges by encouraging children who aren’t that good at physical sports to excel and boost their motivation level.

Some kids attain the status of a “Go-To Player” while playing video games because it gives them a chance to teach other kids the tactics and skills to beat the toughest levels in a game and with this children build a sense of patience, social, and communication skills. Check out the top 5 game development studios in Pakistan that develop games of different categories for kids and adults.


Playing video games with children allows parents to initiate conversations with them which many kids avoid and encourages them to share their problems, thinking, and victories with their parents.